Sunday, October 4, 2009

Tristan and Isolde

1. The battle scene in the movie is different because it starts off with Tristan as a young boy. I think the film opened up this way as a more dramatic beginning and tying in how Tristan ended up living with his uncle Mark. It sets the tone to draw the viewer in and starts the story off in a more appropriate way. I think it gives you more of a feel for Tristan's life and you connect with him more than in the story.

2. I dont think the lack of a love potion was really persuasive in the movie. Events pretty much played out how they did in the novel. They got rid of the idea that the love potion was the whole centerpoint of the story which I think is a good idea. the blame on the potion got to be a bit much. Even after the effects wore off Tristan and Isolde were still blaming it for their troubles. I felt the movie portrayal made more sense in a way and developed the story better.

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